I couldn't resist that joke. I told myself not to post it, but I did anyway.
You're probably shocked. I know I am. After months of whoring out my awesome Dark Alley map (which is still available... buy it!), I'm back to displaying maps of my favorite public domain locations. That's right, nobody owns the concept of "Atlantis". Take that, lawyers! Ha!

Everybody knows one thing about Atlanteans. They like the color blue. They can't get enough of it. Blue buildings, blue roads, blue pavement, blue thrones, blue shields. And when their water changes from blue to sewagey brown/green or oily black, they get super miffed and go after us surface dwellers. You know, I've never seen a story where Atlanteans dump their waste on our lands and we invade their territory. Geoff Johns, if you're reading this, make that story happen.

Most of my maps show a transition from one location to another. This map is no exception to this. It's tough to depict an underwater city top down without showing some underwater parts. This leads to an interest dilemma. What mechanic do you use to simulate the line between domed city and underwater space? For me the answer was simple, ignore it. You can see here that water terrain leads right into clear terrain. Yes. there is a purple energy to stylize the force field or dome protecting the city but there isn't an associated mechanic attached to it.

Circles in circles.

Well, thanks for reading and thank you for your continued support and interest as we approach year two here at Curious Lurkings.